USCDI+: Expanding the Horizons of Interoperable Healthcare Data


USCDI+: Expanding the Horizons of Interoperable Healthcare Data

July 8, 2024 | 5-minute read

Healthcare Data

The landscape of healthcare data exchange is undergoing a significant transformation. The emergence of standardized datasets such as the United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) has been a major step forward in facilitating seamless information sharing between disparate healthcare IT systems. This blog post delves into USCDI+, a complementary initiative that aims to extend the utility of USCDI by enabling the exchange of additional, more specific data elements.

Understanding USCDI

The USCDI is a federally-backed initiative that defines a set of core data elements deemed crucial for effective care coordination and population health management. These elements encompass vital clinical information such as allergies, encounters, medications, immunizations, problems, procedures, and laboratory results. Widespread adoption of USCDI by healthcare providers and technology vendors ensures a baseline level of interoperability, allowing data to flow more readily between different systems.

The Need for USCDI+

While USCDI provides a solid foundation for data exchange, the specific needs of various healthcare stakeholders might extend beyond the core elements it encompasses. Here's where USCDI+ comes into play:

  • Addressing Specialized Needs: USCDI+ allows for the creation of extensions that cater to specific use cases or programmatic requirements of federal agencies or healthcare organizations. These extensions can include additional data elements beyond the USCDI core, enabling the exchange of more comprehensive information for targeted purposes.
  • Flexibility and Customization: USCDI+ offers a flexible framework for tailoring data exchange to specific needs. This empowers stakeholders to define and utilize extensions that address their unique data requirements without compromising the core functionality of USCDI.
  • Harmonization and Alignment: USCDI+ promotes harmonization by ensuring that extensions leverage existing data standards and terminologies. This helps to avoid fragmentation and maintain a unified approach to data exchange across the healthcare ecosystem.

Benefits of USCDI+

By expanding upon the USCDI foundation, USCDI+ offers a multitude of advantages:

  • Enhanced Care Coordination: The exchange of more granular data through USCDI+ extensions can facilitate more effective care coordination by providing a more complete picture of a patient's health.
  • Improved Public Health Initiatives: Federal agencies can leverage USCDI+ extensions to collect and analyze specific data sets relevant to public health initiatives such as disease surveillance and outbreak management.
  • Advanced Analytics and Research: The availability of richer datasets through USCDI+ extensions can empower researchers to conduct more comprehensive analyses, leading to advancements in healthcare delivery and population health outcomes.

The Road Ahead for USCDI+

The USCDI+ initiative is still evolving, with ongoing efforts to develop and implement standardized extensions. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Stakeholder Collaboration: Successful implementation of USCDI+ relies on continued collaboration between government agencies, healthcare providers, technology vendors, and other stakeholders. This collaboration is crucial for defining extensions that meet the needs of the diverse healthcare ecosystem.
  • Technology Advancements: Technological advancements that facilitate secure and efficient data exchange are essential for maximizing the benefits of USCDI+. This includes fostering the development of interoperable platforms and APIs that can seamlessly handle the exchange of extended data sets.
  • Focus on Data Quality: As the volume and complexity of data exchange increases through USCDI+, maintaining high data quality remains paramount. Efforts to ensure data accuracy, completeness, and timeliness will be critical for ensuring the trustworthiness and usefulness of the data exchanged through USCDI+ extensions.

CancerX: A Case Study in USCDI+ Implementation

The CancerX initiative serves as a prime example of how USCDI+ can be leveraged to address the data exchange challenges within a specific healthcare domain (oncology). CancerX, a public-private partnership with Health Chain as a founding member, is working specifically on expanding the utility of USCDI in the field of oncology. One of its key objectives is to develop standardized extensions for USCDI+ that cater to the specific data exchange needs of cancer care. These extensions would go beyond the core USCDI elements to encompass additional data elements relevant to cancer patients, such as tumor type, treatment history, and genetic testing results. The success of CancerX in developing and implementing standardized oncology extensions for USCDI+ can pave the way for similar efforts in other areas of healthcare.


The USCDI+ initiative holds immense promise for the future of healthcare data exchange. By fostering collaboration, leveraging technological advancements, and prioritizing data quality, USCDI+ has the potential to transform healthcare delivery across various specializations, including oncology. Health Chain, through its active participation in CancerX, is at the forefront of this movement, striving to make interoperable data exchange a reality and improve patient outcomes in the fight against cancer.

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